My Favorite Collabs
Adidas Kith Ronnie Fieg Mid Ultra Boost
Naked Ultra Boost
Naked X Kith City Sock 2
The reason behind why I choose these 3 shoes is simply because I have never seen anyone else wearing them.
The tough part about rocking Adidas is that everyone and their mom rocks it. The fact that these 3 sneakers were so limited isolates everyone else having your shoe. Me personally, I like to stand out and be different. Having the same thing as someone else takes away the hype of the shoe in my eyes. I would rather be a creator than a follower.. These 3 shoes really leave their mark in in individuality.
The Ronnie Fieg Ultra Boost Mid is a shoe that is still sought after and the resell of this shoe is more than a down payment for a nice car. If you plan to pick up a pair at resell I suggest breaking out your piggy banks. I was lucky to grab these when they released.
How do the fit? They do run snug, so a warning if you go true to size. If you have to go a half size up I doubt you will feel a difference. If you are not a dan of a tight sock fit on your upper ankle you may want to re think your decision on these beauties.
For more on the Naked x Kith City Sock you can read more on why I love this shoe in my review listed in my blog.

The Adidas Ultra Boost Naked is a beautiful shoe with a high quality leather cage. I would recommend going the size you were in an Ultra Boost 1.0 or 2.0. They are not as stretchy as the 3.0 Ultra Boost.