Define Hype?

What exactly is a Hypebeast? "A person who follows a trend to be cool or in style. A person who wears what is hyped up." "A Hype Beast [sic] is a kid that collect[s] clothing, shoes, and accessories for the sole purpose of impressing others.
The reason I am brining this to your attention is because honestly, what is a Sneakerhead anymore? For me, I wear my sneakers. The times I ever resell a shoe is because I do not want to have it in my collection. So many people are buying sneakers at retail and reselling them at absorbs amounts. It honestly ruins the passion for me. There are so many "true sneakerheads" out there that just want to wear their shoes. For this to happen they have to pay a resell value if they take a loss on trying to grab at retail.
Do not get me wrong.. Do I love sneakers that are hyped up? Yes, why of course... Do I only go for hype sneakers? NO! I personally find quality and individuality for the shoe that I want. I value it. This may sound crazy to people, but maybe thats because you are a hypebeast and only want a shoe because a celebrity wore it. Just kidding, that was kind of harsh. I have been wearing sneakers since my mom finally let me dress myself when I was 4 years old. I started the game young with a love for Jordans. Decades later, Nike has fallen of the wagon due to the hype of Adidas.
It really is best to have an understanding of "Quality vs Quantity." Sometimes It does not matter how many NMD's, Ultra Boost, Nikes or Jordan's you have. Honestly it gets old and out of control. The reason why I bring this up is because, recently it has been so hard to purchase Adidas online. Due to the market being so inflamed everyone wants the same thing. Now, there are times that you miss out on a shoe. If it is something you love and seem to loss sleep over not having, try and find the best resell price. A lot of times people purchase a shoe at resell value when the market is so high up. Few months later when you do a search on the shoe in the resell market, you'll be very surprised in knowing you would have saved yourself some beans. Many beans to be exact...
I wear the sneakers more in my collection that are not Yeezys. Simply because they are more rare. They express my character. Even if a shoe sits on a shelf does not mean it is not fire. For example, no one in this world would rock those Adidas Power Phases, but hey Kanye did and now there over a thousand dollars to buy. Think and look back when you were in middle school and that goofy kid who sat in the front of the bus was rocking some old school bulky Adidas. You were probably making fun of it in your Jordans. At the end of the day you can learn a lot by someone with what they are rocking on their feet.
P.S. PEOPLE! Overall.. Yes, I love my Yeezys. If I could wear them to bed, I would. Would I like to get my feet on a pair of Zebras? Yes! I refuse to pay that resell sticker and if I stumble upon them, then I do. The overall message of this blog is do not worry about the hype, there is always another release or shoe. Rock what you have and love what you are blessed to cop!
Brookeydoo Out.