Its Been Accepted and Shipped!

Okay, I will first off start by saying this purchase was not planned! You know how when you find like 20 bucks in your pocket? You put it there, then totally forgot about it? Well this is kind of similar to what happened to me… Although, instead of finding money, I did spend it. Hey, sometimes you gotta pay to be swaggy.
When the shoes first dropped they were only released on YEEZY SUPPLY. They then dropped again and sold at many different retailers. The reason on why these shoes were so hard to get is… Come on, KANYE WEST! With Kanye West releasing a totally different style of sneaker in the drop, they were a must have for many hypebeasts.

Personally, I really liked the shoe the minute I saw them. I always liked the vintage, classic old dad, and gym beater shoe look. I like the style it brings. It is kind of like an old leather wallet, after beating it up, the wear it shows is what makes it so stunning. It gives character. I struck out the first drop for these shoes and had no intention nor planned on spending the resale. When the shoes were first released the resell was INSANE. I am talking Turtle Dove and Zebra worthy… All for a pair of tennis shoes.
Well, look now. This is why I always say be patient and do your research. The resell for these now is barely anything, and for the Zebras, I really feel bad for any sucker who paid it on either of these shoes…
I struck out to cop online for these shoes and I really did want them. I had a seller who was willing to do $200 when the shoes came in from Adidas website. Days went by, I contacted him, he replied with “Still not here.” I then thought to myself, “Forget this I got bigger fish to fry.” The seller refunded me and my life went on. I ended up placing a bid one night for a pair of the Adidas Calabasas Powerphase. I was on a popular website, Stock X. If you are not mailer with Stock X it is a market for reselling. Transactions are made very promptly. You bid, seller accepts, Stock X immediately ships them to you. This website can be a loss or a win. You could place a bid, have second thoughts, and if you get that confirmed email… Its like buying something from Forever 21. That ain’t going back….

So, one night I placed a bid for the retail amount of the shoe. Week or so went by, then I get an email, your bid was accepted! So, at first I was a little mad because, many of you know that have a sneaker addiction, you got to be picky or else, your bank account will hate you. My bid ended up getting accepted for the retail cost of the shoe $120, plus stupid shipping fees. Besides that, getting back to the start of my story. I had a $25 off a purchase that I never used. Kind of like finding that $20 bucks in your pocket.
I was still kind of hesitant towards keeping the shoe for my collection or reselling. Once I took it out of the box, I will say pictures do not give this shoe justice. Many people think that they are ugly or a waste.

Personally, I really love the shoe. It is a great shoe to grab out of your collection and really rock with anything. I would say go true to size for sizing, or even a half size down. I can compare the sizing to a Stan Smith. Many people complained about the comfort of the shoe, I disagree. As you can see, the shoe has beef it it. I will compare it to a corn dog. Your foot is a wiener and the shoe is the corn bread, just fits right in there!
Overall, I approve and I am glad this unexpected surprise arrived.

Brookeydoo Out