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Live and Ready

Recently you guys have seen that I have been posting very frequently about The Sneakerphiles Podcast. I was on their podcast about a month ago as a guest. Before any of this ever happened, I was a follower of the group. A total groupie you could say. I indulged in their podcast every week and looked forward to each new episode. I got a great feeling listening to these guys. It was refreshing. Not just the talk about sneakers and what they copped or what they were or are into. It was more than that to me. I loved how genuine each member of the grew was. How they really spoke with their heart in what they are passionate about.

I started to connect with the group via Instagram and Twitter. I then soon expressed my passion for sneakers and my desire to really export all of my ideas into content that people can read and see. I finally started to really get in gear and begin creating my own website. Soon after that I was a guest on another podcast, Sneakdis. Another group of guys that I really look up to. They are knowledgeable and funny group of guys. Not to mention the content is authentic. Nothing is fake about it. It is as real as unboxing that fresh pair of deadstocks, It was amazing to be a part of their show and really get my name out there to social media. Soon after, Sneakerphiles contacted me to become a guest on their show. I loved every minute of it. It was a great time laughing and just talking about all things sneakers with the guys. Once again.. Real thoughts, genuine content, and discussions on what is going on and our opinions on it. Eugene, the host of The Sneakerphiles wanted to bring me onto the channel. His idea really inspired me to be better for myself with my content and for my viewers. The reason, the goal is to be able to provide content each week, from a females eyes. I am about the sneaker game, there is nothing fake about my hustle, my love, and my drive to give you the heat I wear on my feet.

Each week 8:30PM EST, Thursday, I will be providing content each week. Every week their will be a new discussion that will discuss a topic that I would love participation in. With streaming live this gives us the chance to interact, a chance to really dive deep into declaring views, opinions, and also thoughts. I would love for you to check out the channel. Not only my content, my show with Eugene, but also the Podcast that airs each week on Sunday. This is more than just talking about sneakers, this is a part of me, and I would love for you to be a part of that. Everyone has their own opinion. Everyone has their own style and their own mind, and this is our chance to express it with each other.

I hope to see you there…


Brookeydooo Out.



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